Monday 23 May 2011

Star Wars The Clone Wars/Avatar the Last Airbender FCBD Sampler Impressions

My Comic Collection as it currently stands
As those of you in the know will know (kinda stands to reason really) Saturday the 7th of May 2011 was the first Saturday in May... 2011. Which basically means it was Free Comic Book Day. A day where you go to your local comic shop, or library, or just anywhere that's involved in the event, and you basically get free comics produced specially by publishers as both an introduction to comics for those new to the hobby, and a thankyou to those already a fan, and a supporter of it. It's a day to celebrate the industry, to push it to the forefront of people's minds, and to get people more involved in it. One thing I've wanted to do for a while (and which FCBD gave me an extra push towards, was writing impressions of the comic books I read, and uploading them to this very blog. It could be like my contribution to the industry. And so that's pretty much what this is. Hopefully they should be fairly frequent, but I never usually succeed in my ventures, so we'll see how things go I guess. Anyway, onto the actual impressions.

The first of the Free Comic Book Day comics I read, was the Star Wars/Avatar the Last Airbender Sampler, as you'd probably be able to guess if you read the title. Either way, it's pretty decent. Not something I'd rave about to all my friends, but a decent read all the same.

It's like a yellow Darth Maul with an animal nose
We'll start with the Star Wars side. Bearing in mind that I've not yet watched any of the Clone Wars... Like ever. The movie(s) or any of the series. Shocking I know, but I haven't gotten around to it yet. So basically I have no idea whom any of the characters are, any sort of knowledge of chronology, significant events, or anything of the sort. I basically went in unprepared. Which to be honest, I had thought would be alright, considering it's only a sampler - and I wasn't wrong. It's evidently aimed at kids, hence the approach that incorporates violence, but only has just enough for the kids to go "Wow, this is totally awesome!" and yet not enough to make parents go "What is it they're subjecting my kids to these days?!" It also kinda says on the first page that it's aimed at kids. Underneath the epic bold Star Wars The Clone Wars, it proudly shouts out to the world, "HEY KIDS!!!" only not in block capitals... Or with three exclamation marks. It then goes on to explain about Dark Horse, and the range of comics they do, and how some of them aren't so suitable for younger readers, and how they hope the free sampler will help kids get into comics, and how it's just like the TV show, only with different and/or extended storylines.

The comic itself is pretty decent though, but it's just too damn short! It's pretty much just an 8 page teaser for the upcoming series that continues that plotline. Obviously that's fair considering it's free, and that's essentially what Free Comic Book Day is all about, but it's just not long enough to justify it's existence. It's obviously to generate excitement for the comics that people will actually have to pay for, but whether it does that or not, I'm not quite sure. On the one hand, yes, I want to read on, and yes I want to know what happens next. On the other hand though, there just isn't enough content, and what little there is there doesn't interest me enough to warrant my continual following of the series.

Violence is never the answer children... except in Star Wars
This reminds me of Yugioh: TAS "Screw the rules, I have money!
Read: To find out wtf this actually is, spend money!!
The plot itself, basically a yellow version of Darth Maul shows up on a planet, and tells an orange version of Jabba the Hutt that he's in danger because a Jedi is coming for him. Orange Jabba says he knows of this danger, because he invited the Jedi. Yellow Maul says he doesn't, breaks free of his captivity and kills Orange Jabba. Then Yellow Darth leaves, and the Jedi shows up (who looks more like a Dark Elf from Oblivion) along with his band of merry men of varying Star Wars species who serve absolutely no purpose whatsoever in the issue, but will no doubt prove their worth in later issues (which you'll actually have to buy... With money... Because they won't be free). Overall, what little there is is decent stuff, but it doesn't draw you in enough to make you want to read on. Partially because you can't read on unless you part with cash. Or read them online. Or download them illegally. Either way, it's not the best example of what FCBD is about.

Ima hit you with a stick foo!
t3h introduction page
The Avatar side of the book however is a completely different kettle of fish.there are 14 pages this time, which isn't HUGELY improved over the Star Wars side, but it's executed in a completely different fashion. Instead of being a taste of things to come, it's actually 2 self-contained, one-shot mini-stories. Still rather lacking in content (although what do you expect really?) but it's well done, and I'd have preferred it if the Star Wars side had been done that way too.

I love the quirky art style
The first of the two strips is called 'Relic', and it's a highly story based strip. Basically in the highly limited space it occupies, it explains to fans and newcomers (me) alike: the kind of things you can expect from the show, and even the comics. It's also quite touching. It wasn't enough to make me cry (most things are), but the melancholy it evokes is definitely noticeable. If ever there was an example of something trying to get in touch with little childrens' emotional sides (and not in a paedophillic way) this is definitely it.

Second, and last but not least, there is 'Dirty is Only Skin Deep'. I'm guessing they recognised that the tone of the previous strip was ridiculously somber, and therefore decided to make this one humorous. It works though, as it lifts the spirits in a comical way, and ends the book on a reasonably high note.

Message from the Dark... Horse Community
It's a cat telling you to buy stuff
Overall, not the best book ever and seriously lacking in content, but it is decent, and it is worth a read, especially if you picked it up for free :)

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