Friday 4 February 2011

Movie Mission

It's a new year, a new decade, and whilst I haven't done much in the way of blogging recently, this is a one that promises many more to come. Basically, it's just past that time of year when one starts to think about what could have been better in the year they just left behind, and how they can rectify it in the new one. One of my such promises, or 'resolutions' was to blog more, and to get myself out they as far as the Internet is concerned. I am going to do this in quite a few ways, but I only know two so far that are definite.

First off, I'm going to bring back Aaronicus' movies of the week. It was never meant to die, but somehow it did. Also, as you can probably see from the title, I'm on something of a movie related mission. There'll still be the usual movie reviews, only hopefully more frequently, I'll finally get around to reviewing some games and books, but the main review type challenge this year, is this: I am going to (try) to watch and review 100 movies on VHS before the end of the year. Forget this new-fangled Bluray stuff (although I'll be watching and reviewing those too) I'll be focusing this year on taking a step back from DVD, as opposed to a step forward. Acquiring them shan't be too difficult, as my local charity shop has a deal where you can get 10 for £1. Sure some of them won't work, and some movies I pick randomly (because at that price, you can afford to take chances) will be pretty terrible, but it won't be difficult to get hold of them, it'll simply be a case of finding the time to watch and review them, which can be something I do in the quiet time I have between school, homework, stage school, coursework, etc. But even then, this will have to share that cooldown time with playing games, designing games, reviewing games, reading, etc.

I am though looking forward to embarking on this endeavour, and I can't wait to see how far through I get, or even if I exceed my target.

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